New Energy for Body and Mind with Saffron and Yoga

by | July 25, 2014 | All, Beauty & Lifestyle

In Ayurveda, saffron is so much more than just a spice. It is a remedy that works on many levels. The term Ayurveda comes from the Indian Sanskrit and is composed of the words Ayus (life) and Veda (knowledge). This traditional Indian teaching has a holistic approach and sheds light on human health and disease on physical, psychological, emotional as well as spiritual levels.

Yoga, of course, in the light of philosophical Indian teaching, is much more than just exercise. The Sanskrit word “yoga” means connecting, uniting, or harnessing – in this case, in the sense of body to the soul – and Yoga is also a holistic system promoting health, happiness of mind and a balanced soul. The combination of Yoga as Body-Mind-Training and saffron as a powerful ingredient in a green smoothie is an unbeatable formula to balance body and mind, re-energize, de-stress and, naturally, be good to yourself.

The many Benefits of Yoga

Numerous studies have shown that Yoga has positive effects, not only on the psyche, but also on the body. Yoga can be practised specifically for pain and stress relief. It can act as an anti-inflammatory, strengthen the immune system and help with depression and sleeping disorders. Of course, Yoga is also a serious full body workout. It strengthens the muscles and increases flexibility and balance. Those who regularly practise Yoga can benefit from reduced blood pressure and stronger cardiovascular systems. Saffron is also known for its blood-pressure-reducing, repairing and concentration-enhancing properties. The combination of Yoga and saffron therefore, especially lends itself to situations where body and/or mind are off-balance.

Miracle Elixir Green Smoothie

The invention of “Green Smoothies”, that are now literally on everyone’s lips, goes back to raw foodster Victoria Boutenco, whose books have now been translated into more than 40 languages. When compared with freshly squeezed juices, smoothies are the clear winner as the valuable fibre and bitter substances, so beneficial for digestion, do not get lost as they do with juicing. What makes the smoothies even healthier is the fact that they contain green leafy vegetables like spinach and Swiss chard in untreated form and, in particular, wild herbs, and the leaves of tubers/ root vegetables. These have the highest possible density of nutritional and vital substances. Beetroot leaves, for example, contain eight times as much calcium, three times as much iron and magnesium, six times as much vitamin C, almost two hundred times as much vitamin A and two thousand times as much vitamin K as the beetroot tuber itself. As for the content of phytochemicals, green leaved vegetables are also unbeatable.


Recipe: Green Power-Smoothie

2 handfuls of spinach
½ avocado
1 apple
200g papaya
0.25g saffron (1 sachet)
Ginger (very small piece)
1 pinch of vanilla
1 dried date
200ml almond milk
Water / ice cubes to taste

Zutaten Safran Smootie: Málaga-Dessertwein, Safranfäden, Rohzucker

Zutaten Safran Smoothie: Safranfäden, Limette, Ingwer, Vanille, Dattel

Aphrodisac Smoothie