
Rabbit à la Bouillabaisse with Potatoes

How to make a tasty rabbit: let saffron and thyme dominate in the marinade and sautee the fennel and parsley in the meat juices.


1.4kgRabbit meatdivided into 12 pieces
3garlic clovesunpeeled, pressed
6Tbspolive oil
1fennel bulbcut into strips
300gpotatoespeeled, cut into 5mm slices
2pinchessaffron threads
Pepperfreshly ground
3bay leaves
1tsptomato paste
1.5lchicken or beef stock
8Tbspsauce Rouille


Make a marinade using a pinch of saffron, thyme, pepper, garlic, bay leaves and 4 table spoons olive oil. Marinade the rabbit meat overnight.

Prehead oven to 190 degrees Celsius.

In a tall braising pot, heat the remaining two table spoons of olive oil.

Remove the rabbit from the marinade, add salt to taste and braise on all sides. Remove from the pot.

Add fennel and onions to the pot and sweat.

Add parsley, the second pinch of saffron, and the tomato paste. Stir.

Set the meat on the onion slices, then layer on the quartered tomatoes and cover everything with the potatoes. Add the stock.

Cover the pot with a lid and put it in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, lower the temperature to 170 degrees Celsius and bake for another 10 minutes. Remove parsley.

Serve the rabbit pieces with vegetables and a bit of broth on the plate. Baste the meat with the Rouille sauce, and smear the rest on the slices of baguette. Decorate with thyme.