
Saffron Potato Cakes

The potato, the fourth most important food in the world, is a plant with virtually endless possibilities. Fried, mashed or boiled: The potato is an all-rounder that can be combined with a variety of aromas and spices – for example with saffron in the guise of crispy, fragrant saffron potato cakes. A fuss-free recipe with simple ingredients and precious MIASA saffron turns this well-known and popular dish into a surprising culinary delight. Combined with the short preparation and cooking time, this is sure to make the saffron potato cakes a hot favorite in your kitchen.


1gsaffron threads
Olive oil
Pepperfreshly ground


Wash the potatoes, boil in salted water, peel and push through a potato ricer into a bowl.

Put the saffron onto a saucer and into the oven for about 3 minutes.

Wash, pluck and chop the parsley.

Add saffron, parsley, eggs and olive oil to the potatoes and mix well.

If required, add a little more olive oil and flour and season to taste with salt and pepper. The potato dough should be smooth and fluffy. Leave the mix to infuse for a while.

Heat some oil or butter in a large frying pan. Add the dough ladle-by-ladle, smooth out and fry both sides on a medium heat until golden.

Serve with a yoghurt dip and salad or use as a side dish.