Regal Beauty with Saffron

by | April 8, 2014 | All, Beauty & Lifestyle

We are excited to be working with the Italian fashion & food photographer Luca Meneghel, who has beautifully interpreted MIASA saffron for us for its health and beauty benefits. Menhegel previously published his works in both Vogue and Marie Claire and knows how to set the stage for premium elements.

Saffron is considered beneficial to body, mind and soul. It does not just compliment culinary delights in a noble way, but its precious ingredients and aromas also treat the body. Saffron’s effects are invigorating, energizing, vitalising and its fragrance can, with good reason, be found in so many famous perfume brands.

The use of Saffron for skin care has been considered a secret key for eternal youth use since ancient times and kings not only let the expensive spice be served daily in their meals, but also used saffron as a body balm.

Here are two tips, how you can make simple and effective skin care yourself in the comfort of your home.


For healthy and glowing skin we recommend:

Add three saffron threads to a mixture of three tablespoons of milk and one teaspoon of sandalwood powder.

Wash your face before applying the mask to damp skin. Massage the mask in, gently using circular motions and allow the peeling to work for about 20 minutes. Relax and enjoy the soothing effects of these precious ingredients. Then use warm water to wash the mask off.

For best results, repeat this treatment weekly. Your skin will feel rejuvenated, healthy and pure!


Also, specifically for skin prone to blemishes, saffron can have a regenerative effect due to its anti-bacterial properties:

Take twelve saffron threads and mix with six basil leaves and two tablespoons of milk in a blender.

The combination with basil promotes the intensity of the anti-bacterial effect, because basil contains enzymes also found in anti-inflammatory drugs.

Apply the paste onto the face and leave to work for ten minutes. Then rinse off with cold water.


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Saffron’s caring and health-promoting effects can only be achieved if used on a regular basis and in combination with an appreciation of a holistic, healthy life style. This means: sufficient hydration and a healthy, balanced diet are a fundamental basis for a health enhancing treatment – because true beauty stems from within!