Our new innovation: Saffron Essence with "Balsamic Vinegar of Modena"

by | June 26, 2014 | All, Beauty & Lifestyle

As the red gold of the mystical orient kisses one of Italy’s culinary treasures, precious magic is born! We are brimming with joy as we present a new product of ours to you – our exquisite Saffron Essence with „Balsamic Vinegar of Modena“. Using only the finest selected white grapes, the balsamic vinegar is produced by an established family business in the region of Modena, in the north of Italy.

In terms of taste, the Saffron Essence is a refreshing surprise as it unfolds an extraordinary sweetness. This remarkable sweetness is purely the result of the balsamic vinegar’s natural flavor being infused with MIASA’s premium saffron, which imbues the Saffron Essence with a delightful and fruity aroma. This extraordinary quality of taste enables a vast range of uses that goes beyond the possibilities of common vinegars – a range encompasses both sweet and salty dishes.

An exceptionally defined flavor paired with an extraordinary aesthetic 

The Saffron Essence’s fusion is one that excels because of its perfectly tuned harmony of sweet and sour, of aroma and intensity. Besides its excellent taste, its prominence lies in its aesthetic qualities, as the deep red threads of saffron come to life in form of a feathery dance when the golden liquid is set in motion. A sight so beautiful it not only has decorative qualities in a kitchen, it leaves your guests with no choice but to find out what it is their eyes have discovered.

Tradition makes perfect

Both MIASA’s premium saffron threads as well as the “Balsamic Vinegar of Modena” owe their quality to tradition. Since generations, the family Zini has been cultivating the vineyards with great devotion and passion in the area around Secchia and Tresinaro.

The production by hand and the high quality of the aceto balsamico are a result of the culinary tradition of Modena and the ideal conditions of the region. The hot and dry summers are excellent for cultivation of the family’s own grapes. Furthermore, the intense winter cold finds its way deep into the old wooden barrels, which aids the process of sedimentation, decantation and therefore ensures the clarity of the balsamic vinegar.

The family recipes that are passed down from generation to generation as well as the delicate combination of different grapes are what makes the “Balsamic Vinegar of Modena” an exclusive product. The secret however lies in the aging process inside wooden barrels made of different types of wood. While cherry wood is used to develop the sweetness, the oak barrels serve to imbue the balsamic vinegar with the very taste that makes the “Balsamic Vinegar of Modena” so popular.

Just a few drops for a fulminant flavor

We recommend that you keep in mind the intensity the Saffron Essence has to offer in regard to dosage. Please note that the intense flavor indicates the high quality of this exclusive product. In form of a precious golden drop on top of a delicious cheese, as an exquisite ingredient of an magnificent salad dressing or used in order to fine-tune your risottos, pastas, fish and meat dishes – you need just a few drops of the Saffron Essence with “Balsamico of Modena” in order to give your clever creations that special edge that your guests will never forget.

Terra del Tuono Wine Barrels

Weinberge in Modena