Fish and Saffron: A Real Catch

by | September 2, 2014 | All, Beauty & Lifestyle

It’s well known that fish promotes health and we are generally advised to eat about 200 – 300g of fish once or twice a week. The finned creatures provide a high proportion of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids which are vital for humans. The consumption of unsaturated fatty acids has many positive effects on health. It can, for example, reduce triglyceride levels, reduce the risk of heart attacks and lead to improved concentration and increased performance of brain functions.

Regular consumption protects the heart and circulatory system and is even said to reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. According to the Max Rubner-Institute in Germany, the Federal Research Institute for Food and Nutrition (MRI), the consumption of fatty fish can act as a preventative measure in the development of Alzheimer’s.

Sea fish, in particular, contains a high proportion of the healthy fatty acids. But, besides Omega 3 fatty acids, fish also provides valuable trace minerals like iodine and selenium, vitamin D (especially fatty fishes like salmon or eel) as well as proteins which are easily digestible for humans. Anyone wishing to eat a balanced and low-fat diet, can select from the many low-fat fish varieties. And there’s a big choice: the fat content of Alaskan sea salmon, cod, plaice and pike is only just below two percent. These types of fish are a great source of a low-calorie food with low carbohydrates and high protein contents.

Of course, fish is not only healthy, but also delicious! There are many different interesting ways of preparing it. Using saffron in a fish recipe makes it especially appetising. One way is to pour over a sauce made with saffron (for example, saffron cream sauce, saffron wine sauce or saffron champagne sauce) over the fish. Alternatively, adding the red saffron threads to vegetable side dishes also gives that unique touch, which, when combined with the fish turns it into a culinary dream. But delicious can also be achieved in simple ways: sprinkling MIASA Saffron Fleur de Sel over the fried fish instantly transforms it into a real gourmet treat. Gourmets love this simple and straightforward variant.

Bouillabaisse purists in particular, who love nothing more than a Southern French fish stew, really appreciate the delightful taste of saffron in combination with fish. Spices like saffron, thyme, bay leaves, garlic and fennel are essential in this provincial classic as well as our convenient MIASA Saffron Sachets on the spice rack.

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