Sweet Saffron Cream
Put the saffron threads onto a saucer and briefly heat in the oven, then coarsely grind in a mortar. |
Slice the vanilla pod lengthways and heat in the milk until not quite boiling. Add the ground saffron, cover and leave to soak. |
In the meantime, whisk the cream into stiff peaks. Wash the lemon under hot water, dry and grate the zest. |
Pour the quark into a large bowl and add the sieved saffron-vanilla-milk. Then add maple syrup and lemon zest and whisk in a food processor until creamy. |
Carefully fold in the whisked cream and possibly let it cool in the refrigerator. |
Then, fill dessert glasses. Peel and cut the orange into segments and scatter over the cream. |
If desired, garnish with grated almonds or chopped pistachios and lemon thyme. |
Thinly sliced mango or aromatic peaches make a good alternative to the orange segments.