Exclusive feature on Miasa in explore DRINKS

by | February 18, 2019 | Discover | 0 comments

Enriched by the most exclusive spice in the world, MIASA’s saffron liqeuer offers a uniquely complex and sophisticated flavor experience. This makes it an ideal enhancement for many traditional cocktails, and provides unique opportunities for the development of entirely new gustatory experiences.

Since its introduction, the groundbreaking potential of our saffron liqeuer has made waves among cocktail lovers all over the world, and steadily built on its growing reputation. In its coming 2019 Summer issue, explore DRINKS has included an exclusive feature on MIASA’s saffron liqeuer, together with a recipe for the delicious MIASA saffron sour. This was made possible through the diligent efforts of our Australian partner, Kollaras, who has been instrumental in introducing our liqeuer to the southern hemisphere. This feature represents an important step in bringing MIASA to the attention of Australia’s cocktail drinking community, while also validating our previous success.

The feature can be found on p. 88 of the magazine, viewable online here. Whether it’s in terms of food or drink, we’re very excited about the potential that saffron offers for the development of uniquely delicious flavor profiles, and the possibilities this provides to mixologists and chefs alike.